
Kippendavie and Cauldhame Estates have a higher proportion of the land under trees than most estates in Scotland. Commercial forestry was first practised as far back as the 1780s and some of the plantations at Kippendavie are into their 5th rotation of trees.

It takes about 40 years for softwoods to mature – and twice that for hardwoods, therefore our woodlands are managed in accordance with a Long Term Forest Plan which is approved by the Forestry Commisson and managed by Tilhill Forestry.

In recent years, improved Government grants for the planting of trees, have incentivised the Trustees to establish new plantations, many of them hardwoods or mixed hardwoods/conifers.  The Estate has recently planted an additional 150 acres (60 hectares) with the assitance of these grants.

The main objective is to produce quality timber for the UK market, but wide range of mixed woods at Kippendavie means that there is an attractive landscape, which is also a haven for wildlife of all sorts and provides excellent recreational opportunities.