
Red squirrels are instantly recognisable by their red fur, ear tufts and long, fluffy tails.  Once they were the only squirrel species in Europe, however this changed when grey squirrels were introduced from America to the UK in the late 1800s. Today Red squirrels are a rare sight in the UK and Kippendavie and Cauldhame Estates are lucky enough to have a good number thriving on the Estate.

However, this isn’t our only rare and beautiful species living on the land. After a recent ornithology audit, a wide variety of birds including Hen Harriers, Peregrines, Red Kites and Ravens were also seen.

We have created a new wildlife spotting blog in the "News" section of this website, where we will list all new reported signtings of widlife on the Estate. To report a signting please send an email - details under the "Contact" tab.